Developmental Disabilities Administration (DDA) Overview
DDA (previously known as DDD) is the state level administration within the Department of Social and Health Services (DSHS) that serves people who meet their specific and strict criteria of “developmental disability”. You can find Eligibility guidelines further down this page. DDA services are varied, among them employment services, assistance providing personal care, respite services, environmental modification, and housing.
Contacting DDA:
- PHONE: 1-800-974-4428
- EMAIL: (King County) (From Snohomish county to the Canadian border) - WEBFORM: - this is the most efficient way to request services.
When requesting services leave the date, your name, phone number, need for interpreter, name of DDA client, and services you are requesting.
Eligibility for DDA:
Eligibility is based off several factors including age, diagnosed disability, and proof of “substantial limitations” such as full scale IQ (FSIQ) and/or Composite Adaptive Skill scores. Family income and immigration status do NOT impact DDA eligibility. Click here for details on eligibility requirements.
Applying to DDA:
Click here to access the DDA application. We recommend including documentation of diagnosis, Full Scale IQ, and Adaptive Skills scores with the application. This information is usually found in medical records and special education 3-year evaluations.
Requesting Services:
You can request services by calling your DDA Case Manager, calling the Service Request Line (800-974-4428), or by completing this online form.