Silver Tsunami
As we grow older, so do our loved ones with disabilities! The Arc of King County is committed to supporting aging families and caregivers of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Our Silver Tsunami program provides 3 types of support for aging caregivers and their loved ones with I/DD.
1. With thanks to the King County Veterans and Seniors Human Services Levy, The Arc of King County provides specific support to senior caregivers, age 55 and older, to connect with long-term, qualified caregivers for their loved one with I/DD. This includes support understanding and navigating caregiver resources, support with preparing for caregiver assessments, advocacy within state systems, emotional support, and frequent check-ins and follow up! This service is offered in both English and Spanish!
2. The Arc of King County facilitates educational workshops for senior families in various locations throughout King County. Topics include:
- Personal Care and DDA
- Finding Caregivers
- Guardianship
- Social Security
- Long-term planning
- Grief Support
- Housing
- And much more!
For more information about topics, dates and locations check out The Arc of King County’s Community Calendar or the Aging Parents of Sons and Daughters with Disabilities Facebook Group:
3. The Arc of King County facilitates monthly informal meet up groups for senior families and caregivers. The Silver Tsunami Meet Up is a wonderful opportunity to meet and connect with other aging parents and caregivers and share experiences and listen to others!
For more information about the various Silver Tsunami activities available to aging families, feel free to contact our Information and Family Support Team at ask@arcofkingcounty.org or 206-829-7053.
Please consider joining the Aging Parents of Sons and Daughters with Disabilities Facebook Group at www.facebook.com/groups/P2Pagingparents/