Embedded within Information & Family Support is the Parent to Parent (P2P) program which believes that often the most valuable form of support comes from other parents who have traveled the road before you. We understand the emotions, myths, and realities of parenting a child with a disability. We don’t necessarily solve a family’s problem, but we are willing to listen and share our own experiences. Our staff is composed of parents, siblings, and extended family members of people with disabilities. P2P provides many opportunities for parents to connect through:
- Community events
- Support Groups - Including Facebook and Google Groups
- Helping Parent Matches in which we link parents with a trained mentor parent who shares similar life experiences
If you are interested in becoming a Helping Parent or would like a mentor match:
For English, contact
For Spanish, contact Brenda at bzacapu@arcofkingcounty.org or 206.829.7027