The Healthy Relationships Program
The Healthy Relationships Program is currently opened. Please reach out to our staff for questions or support.
Olivia Stevens: OR 206.829.7021
Life Skills
The Healthy Relationships Program at The Arc of King County is offering a new service to eligible DDA clients with approved Life Skills hours who want to focus on improving relationships in their life. Life Skills offers a place to learn one-on-one or in small groups. Learn practical skills to have safe and healthy relationships with family, friends, coworkers, staff, and romantic and sexual partners. Learn to advocate for yourself, understand your body, and make informed decisions about your life and your relationships.
Each person can set their own goals and we will work together toward those goals. The categories for Life Skills are:
- Self-empowerment
- Safety awareness and self-advocacy
- Interpersonal and effective communication
- Coping strategies regarding typical life challenges
- Managing daily tasks and acquiring adaptive skills
Some common goals in our program include understanding boundaries and consent, dating, understanding different types of relationships, recognizing unhealthy relationships, improving communication, and sexual decision making.
Eligibility and Cost
Life Skills is paid for by DDA and is available to participants enrolled in the following programs:
- Individual and Family Services waiver
- Basic Plus waiver
- Children’s Intensive In-Home Behavioral Supports waiver
- Core waiver
- Roads to Community Living
- Preadmission Screening and Resident Review (PASRR)
Life Skills is not available to those receiving residential habilitation services. For more information about eligibility and to sign up, contact your DDA Case Manager.
Heart2Heart Hotline
Our heart2heart hotline is a free resource for people with I/DD and families to to ask confidential questions and receive support around healthy relationships and sexuality topics.:
- questions about bodies, development, & relationships
- interpersonal violence / domestic violence
- sexual health / education
- sexual assault
- internet safety
- LGBTQIA+ resources
- and more
Phone 206-829-7021
Resources Lists
Relationships, Sexuality, and Sex Ed
Sexual Abuse and Domestic Violence
A Plain Language Guide to the Internet
We have print copies available, email us at
Workshops for the Community
We facilitate workshops for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, their families, and community members to learn about healthy relationship concepts such as:
- consent
- privacy
- boundaries
- healthy sexuality
- sexual abuse prevention
- how to talk about sex with children and teens with disabilities
We offer workshops to families and professionals so they may learn how to teach and reinforce these skills with the individuals that they support.
Healthy Relationships School Program
We teach the Healthy Relationships School Program to students with intellectual and developmental disabilities in high schools and transition programs throughout King County. Our curriculum focuses on understanding healthy interpersonal relationships as well as age-appropriate and medically accurate information about sexuality.
Education about healthy relationships gives students practical information to help them establish and respect boundaries so that they can have safe and healthy relationships with family, friends, coworkers, helpers and significant others.
This program teaches students broad concepts like positive decision-making and boundaries as well as nuanced information about sexual health, internet safety, and identifying and reporting abuse. In the classroom we learn about common values like respect, trust, choice, consent, and public vs. private behavior.
We offer information sessions for parents and caregivers, as well as letter home at the end of each unit, so that families can reinforce concepts at home. This program’s benefits go beyond friendships and romantic relationships, improving students’ self-esteem and empowering them to engage with their communities.
This is a 16-unit program is offered once or twice a week in hour long lessons with instruction provided in the students' classroom. We provide all materials and all instruction. The Healthy Relationships School Program is now being offered as a paid service, contact us for more information and pricing.
Buy the Curriculum
Healthy Relationships: A Sex Education and Relationship Skills Curriculum for Young Adults with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities is now available for purchase! Included in the curriculum is:
- Curriculum PDF and print book with lesson plans and information on how to teach
- Slides for all 16 lessons
- Trusted Adult Letters, Introduction Letter and Opt-Out Form
- 1.5 to 3 hour training for teachers, para educators, and staff
For more information and pricing, please contact us.
Our Staff
The Arc of King County strives to provide accurate information in a timely manner, with the highest standard of professionalism. If you have any comments or concerns about the services you received from The Arc of King County, please contact Rachel Nemhauser, Director of Information and Family Support at or 206.829.7046