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Housing Stability Program

The Arc of King County is committed to supporting and advocating for the housing needs of people with Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities and their family members. Our Housing Resource team can help in the following ways:

  • Provide assistance navigating housing services and systems in King County.
  • Provide assistance to navigate and apply for relevant social service resources such as DDA, SSI, Section 8, DVR, etc.
  • Support in understanding tenant rights, access reasonable accommodations, and effectively communicate with landlords.
  • Provide knowledge of low-income and subsidized housing resources in King County.
  • Initial screening and referral to King County’s Best Starts for Kids Youth & Family Homelessness Prevention Program for eligible families (see more information below).


In partnership with King County Best Starts for Kids Youth and Family Homelessness Prevention program, The Arc provides intensive case management so that families can maintain stable housing, preventing them from entering the homeless system. 

Wondering who is eligible for this program?  Here are the requirements:

  • Someone in the household must be 24 years or younger
  • Someone in the household must have an intellectual or developmental disability
  • Household members must be residents of King County
  • The household must be at imminent risk of homelessness
  • The household must not have received homelessness services through the King County Coordinated Entry System or from other Best Starts for Kids Homelessness Prevention Programs within the last six months.

Program participants might be individual young adults no longer living with their family, an adult with a I/DD who has at least one child under the age of 24 living with them, or a family that includes a child with I/DD under age 24 living with them. 

Potential program participants must go through an intake interview with our Housing Stability Specialist which includes identifying the current barriers to stable housing, possible solutions to achieve stable housing, and a mutually agreed-upon support plan that both The Arc case manager and the family develop and implement together

See Our Resource Guide for Housing Resources

For more information or to begin the intake process contact our Information & Resource Team:

English: 206-829-7053 OR

Spanish: 206-829-7030 OR

Connection Angle Lake