The Arc of King County's 5k for Inclusion is an inclusive event for families and individuals of ALL abilities!
Thank you to everyone who came out to support this year's 5k for Inclusion! Please be sure to check back next year for more information on future 5k events!

The Arc of King County invites families throughout King County to join us to raise awareness and funds in support of individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities at our 6th Annual 5k for Inclusion! This non-competitive, fully inclusive event is for everyone - all ages and all abilities are encouraged to participate! Our goal is to raise $15,000 to continue creating an inclusive community for all! We can't wait to see you there!
The 5k for Inclusion: Family Fun Run, Walk, and Roll is:
- A non-competitive fun run, walk, and roll for everyone
- Free to register, but raise $25 to receive a t-shirt
- Enjoy a Resource Fair with partner agencies before and after the event
- Awards for the highest fundraisers
- A fun event for a team: co-workers, friends, and extended family can all join in!
5k Location (Renton Memorial Stadium)
405 Logan Ave N.
Renton, WA 98057
Day-of Event Timeline
9:00 AM - Check-in and registration begins
9:00 AM - Resource Fair opens!
9:40 AM - Opening welcome including group warm-up
10:00 AM - Race starts!
10:30-11:30 AM - Participants begin to return to the finish line. Participants each receive their medals, participate in team photos, visit the food area, and check out the resource fair!
Would you like to join our Resource Fair or sponsor this event?! Email Marci Asher at masher@arcofkingcounty.org for more information!